News & Events Event FAQs
Account, Login, Order Questions
What does the ‘red dot’ mean?
The ‘red dot’ is an indicator that you still need to complete your registration. Most likely you need to add golfer information to your order.
Can I change my password?
Yes you can change your login password. From your account page, navigate to ‘My Profile’ and click on ‘Edit Profile’.
Why is my order marked as ‘On Hold’?
Order are marked as ‘On Hold’ until we receive payment.
Once we receive your EFT or cheque, your order status will be updated.
Can we pay by cheque?
We do accept payment by cheque.
Please complete your order and then make cheques payable to Construction Labour Relations Association B.C. and reference your order number. Remit to 97 Sixth Street, New Westminster, BC, V3L 5H8.
What does the ‘red dot’ mean?
Golf Tournament Registration
What golfer information is required?
Minimum information required for a golfer is their first and last name, and email address.
You are also encouraged to include the Company name and their cell phone number.
What time does the Golf tournament start?
Registration opens at11:30 am, but plan to arrive early to check in, warm up on the driving range, and join us for the lunch buffet. The putting contest will begin at noon, and the shotgun start at 1:30 pm.
Where do I login to update my golfing info?
You can login via the Member Corner. Use your registration email address and password (or use the ‘Lost your password’ link to get access.
How do I add my golfers to our order?
After logging in,
Go to ‘My Profile’ > ‘Orders’, click view and then ‘Edit Registration.
What golfer information is required?